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Corporate Culture

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Staff Activities

        We insist on the company culture of SinoChem Group and put “satisfy our staffs” as the first goal in our development. By building “humanism culture” and constructing the communist party culture, lead our staffs to combine personal career development and company’s development together enhancing self-identity of our culture and faith to the company. We insist the “people first” philosophy and exploit our advantage of state-owned company in ideology and politics to arouse our staffs’ initiative, enthusiasm and creativity. We also advocate cooperation and coordination, hope to build a good environment that the company and the staffs can develop together.

Staff Activities

  • 公司領導給員工新春拜年
  • 公司領導指導項目現場
  • 安全生產月活動
  • 高校共建
  • 新員工培訓
  • 新員工拓展訓練
  • 青年員工現場學習
  • 員工專業知識辯論賽
  • 參加集團文藝匯演
  • 公司首屆職工運動會
  • 員工羽毛球比賽
  • 員工足球賽
  • 員工戶外活動
  • 團隊建設
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